Emergency Glolf Open

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The Emergency Glolf Open was held during June, 27th, 2021 after a tragic set of votes for the Core Mechanics in Blaseball.


  • Hillman Tenderson
  • Melissa Bop
  • Grillzy Bear
  • Emergency Loading...
  • Tormentous Nightmare
  • Perfectly Cromulant Human
  • Himbo Understudy
  • One Ring
  • Hands Scoresburg
  • Ruffian Applesauce
  • Solar Dies
  • Solar Tries
  • Rebecca Monarch
  • Randall M. Mann
  • Juice 17776
  • Chunky Benzene
  • Elaine Clock
  • Karl
  • Dirk Knightley
  • Greatsword MacShane
  • Mayhem Bullshop
  • Tobias Bagpipe
  • I Legally Changed My Name To See How Long It Could Be Before I Hit Th
  • Mohn Jadden
  • Annie May
  • E.M.M.I
  • Smallto Patterson
  • Morshu
  • 2 trucks
  • Freddie Missouri
  • Bingo Polaroid
  • Legally Jorts


The Emergency Glolf Open was the first Glolf Open to have the addition of Glolf Commentators, a group of interns who sit in the newly constructed Broadcast Booth and give commentary over the games as they happen.