The Afoxalypse

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Revision as of 18:29, 31 May 2021 by Hal2000 (talk | contribs)
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1Fox wanted to reveal that Glolf was all in a simulation by force by corrupting everything. Multiple players were corrupted, including Baby Bop and their mother, but a team made up of Jorts, Solar, Freddie, Becky, and Bingo was made as they were able to escape to the skies by tying Becky’s golf kart to Solar. After floating around for a while, they heard the call of the Great Sliced One, who was assembling a force to take down 1Fox. They answered the call, arriving on the scene where a team of glolfers was facing off against the original 1Fox in the only way they knew how, Glolf. In the end 1Fox was defeated, with the final blow being put in by Bingo, and they were forced to revert the universe to its previous state, but some things have changed.