Rebecca Monarch

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Rebecca Monarch is a Glolfer, Caddy, Were-Butterfly, and Trans Woman. She has yet to play in an offical Internet Open.


Early History

Born a caterpillar, and assigned male at birth, Rebecca spent most of her caterpillar years aimless and introverted. Around High school however, she managed to become friends with Freddie Missouri. Freddie introduced Rebecca to her friend group and a first for Rebecca, she had friends.

Trans Awakening

Rebecca once made a passing joke about wanting to have a feminine form when they finally go into a pupa. After a lengthy conversation with Freddie about how cis people don't constantly fantasize about being the other gender, and a ton of research, Rebecca learned that she was trans, and kept it hidden to everyone except Freddie for a while. Thankfully with the assistance of Freddie, Rebecca took up the name that she uses to this day, and came out to everyone and her parents. Which luckily were very supportive of her transition. Before going into her pupa, she was given a regiment of hormones which would assist with giving her a feminine form when she comes out of her pupa.

Beginnings in Glolf

Inspired by her mother before her untimely demise on the Union Day Strike, Rebecca learned how to play glolf, starring in a few minor tournaments. Her real enjoyment of the sport came around when she realized that motorized vehicles were legal in Glolf, and can be used on the green. This caused Rebecca to purchase a Glolf Cart and start driving.

Current Status

Rebecca Monarch currently lives in her heavily modified Glolf Cart that she calls "The Cuddle Cart" Although she's never played in an Internet Open, she assists Freddie Missouri in her professional glolf career, driving her to events, helping her with gear, and practicing with Freddie. Becky has an aversion to authority and rules, and acts on her impulses more than not. However, she is quite a quick learner, and Freddie is usually always there to help Rebecca whenever she needs.

Relations with Freddie

Rebecca and Freddie Missouri have always been close, and both of their glolf careers have been tightly related. For most of her career, she had a crush on Freddie, but wanted her to confess first. However, after a small joke involving high school photos and the Lesbian pride flag after the The Afoxalypse, Rebecca and Freddie confessed their love for each other and have been girlfriends ever since.


Rebecca's nickname is Becky

Rebecca is a frequent patron of Dlenny's, and enjoys drinking their syrup.

Rebecca has spent a week in jail after trying to steal syrup from said Dlenny's